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If you sleep on your side a denser pillow is better support for your neck.

The more wool you have in your pillow the better the support.  Think about how tall you are and how big your shoulders are because this will dictate how much wool you need in your pillow.  If you are unsure call me or email me. 


How much fill do you want or need in your pillow?

This is the lightest amount of wool - it may look thick but your head will sink in.  This is great for a small person or a child.  As your child grows wool can be added to the pillow to increase the thickness.  You can always add or take out wool from your pillow.

The average head weights 11lbs - 5kgs more or less depending on the person.  Your head will sink in the pillow and give support for your neck. 

The more wool you put into the pillow the denser and firmer it will become but it will still give you the support you need for your neck.  When sleeping always put your head on your pillow and your shoulder on the bed and bring up your pillow under your neck to support your neck.  


Because of the way I put the wool in the pillows you will never have seperation of wool or lumps and bumps. 
